UN4MUN is the official Model UN platform provided by the United Nations Department of Public Information (UNDPI). Model UN is one of the most popular ways to learn about the workings of the United Nations. Conferences are organised by hundreds of educational institutions at all levels to engage young students in diplomatic debates and conversations that resemble those at the United Nations.

Most MUN simulations digress from the actual UN procedures. RMUN is an MUN which will follow the rules and regulations of UN4MUN as provided by UNDPI. In RMUN, we expect students to have an everlasting and enriching experience which they can go homewith. Awards are an inherent part of any MUN but here in RMUN, the focus will also be on developing negotiating skills in each diplomat attending the conference. Consensus between delegates will play a major role in RMUN.

The flow of MUN proceedings will be as follows:

1. Opening Ceremony

2. General Debate, also known as the Formal Debate, where delegates wishing to speak will specify their point of view on the topic.

3. After all the delegates have spoken, the committee will break into groups which may be political, regional, or otherwise to draft resolutions. (There will not be any working paper).

4. The blocs will try to merge their draft resolutions (Vienna Formula) into at most two draft resolutions, which will be submitted to the chair for amendments and discussion by the committee.

5. Other than formal debate, RMUN will incorporate formal informal and informal informal sessions.

6. Informal informal sessions are where diplomats meet informally to draft resolutions or meet to discuss points which would require consensus. Consensus cannot be achieved without negotiations. The highlight of RMUN is negotiations that must be employed by all delegates. These sessions are not chaired by anybody.

7. Formal informal sessions are chaired and diplomats are to bring in amendments to the draft resolutions. Everybody gets to voice their opinion on the resolution.

8. There are no votes since the UN believes it is more important that a resolution be passed by consensus rather than by votes, where every country big or small has the right to voice their opinion. It is important that everyone gets an opportunity to be heard by everyone else.

9. Closing Plenary.

Position papers should be submitted latest by September 24th to the respective email addresses given along with each committee.