Dress Code

Participants are to dress in formal wear (western business attire) throughout RMUN.

RMUN expects students to be formally dressed, appropriate for a professional setting. Delegates should not wear any distracting clothes, jewellery which may be inappropriate in any way and may call attention to themselves.


The RMUN conference follows a strict and thorough code of conduct that acts as a guidelinefor all participants. Throughout the event, the code is intended to uphold the ideals of respect, professionalism, and diplomacy.

1. Delegates are expected to converse only in English
2. Delegates are expected to follow decorum guidelines and exhibit a pleasant and courteous approach when interacting with others.
3. They must respect opposing viewpoints and cultural backgrounds while avoiding any type of prejudice or insulting behaviour.
4. Delegates should also encourage constructive discourse and active listening, fostering an environment of open communication and collaboration.
5. The proper use of parliamentary language, as well as addressing fellow delegates by their official country names, adds to the spirit of diplomacy and professionalism.

If the delegate fails to adhere to such regulations, apposite action will be taken against such actions. RMUN also expects the delegates to carry out their research, as well as their interactions during the span of the conference with utmost sublimity.

Faculty Advisor

Each delegation can be accompanied by one faculty advisor . Faculty advisors will be provided complimentary lunch and snacks on the 29th and 30th of September. Payment is only necessary if availing accommodation.

Study Guides

Study guide links have been provided in the 'Committees' page